Keeping your chimney clean isn’t one of those domestic tasks that screams for attention. However, it is critical to have at least one inspection every year and to have a chimney swept if the inspection shows that it needs to be cleaned. To schedule an appointment for your annual inspection or to have any other questions answered about what you see (or don’t see) in your chimney, call the professionals at Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps|Bless Your Hearth. We are here to make it as simple as possible.
What makes my chimney dirty?
Creosote is a byproduct that is released from burning firewood. It can clump together and collect on the interior walls of your chimney to block your chimney. The more firewood you burn, the more creosote will be released.
On uncovered chimneys, animals can leave various types of droppings or nesting materials behind in your chimney when they visit or nest. Droppings can be unhealthy. Nesting materials can create blockages.
Why do I need a sweep?
Chimney sweepings and inspections are one of the most important parts of chimney maintenance. Deposits inside of your chimney can cause …Buildup that could result in
- Build up that could result in the chimney fire. Chimney fires can be dangerous and can result in the need for expensive repairs.
- Blockages that could interfere with proper drafting. Exhaust may not be able to properly flow out of your home and could leave you in danger of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
- Symptoms of CO poisoning vary depending on exposure. Slight cases will give you headaches and nausea, where more serious cases can leave you hospitalized or can be fatal.
- Buildup (whether creosote or animal droppings) can leave you with a foul odor that can enter the home in Summer months.
How do I prepare for the sweep?
It is relieving to know that having a chimney sweep requires little to no work from the homeowner. It is important to hire someone who is Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) certified to make sure you are getting the most for your investment.
You may be asked …
- Not to burn a fire for at least 24 hours before the time of the sweep so everything has time to cool down for the technicians.
- To move furniture and valuables from the immediate are of the fireplace.
- Lock up your pets for their safety and the safety of the crew.
So, if you’re done with your dirty chimney, give Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps|Bless Your Hearth a call. Our CSIA certified chimney sweeps are here for you.