Short answer: Dirt, Carbon Monoxide and Water
- DIRT: They will probably work just fine until they don’t. When the mechanical parts reach critical mass with “dirt”, they may begin to work intermittently or not work at all.
- CARBON MONOXIDE: If the gas logs are vented, you will want to know whether the chimney is drafting properly. With a wood fire, you can see smoke (carrying carbon monoxide) entering your home. With gas logs, generally speaking, there is no smoke. Since carbon monoxide cannot be seen or smelled, improper drafting is less obvious. Regular service can help determine if this is an issue.
- WATER: No matter whether your gas logs are vented or unvented excessive moisture issues (whether a by-product of simply operating the gas appliance or from exterior entry) can affect the longevity and operation of your gas log system.
Folks generally fall into two categories around this.
- There are the proactive folks who want to make sure there is no interruption in their routine, plans or intentions.
- Others are like, “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” and just wait until something goes wrong.
The only time it becomes irritating or the EMERGENCY signs begin to flash is when family or friends have been invited over for dinner (or some romantic interlude is planned) and now the gas logs won’t work and the intended ambiance is up in smoke (or not).
What can dirty the working parts of gas logs?
• Dust
• Animal dander
• Soot
• Cobwebs
What can the proactive folks do to get out in front of this unhappy malfunction?
Arrange an annual gas log checkup similar to what gets done for furnaces and such.
July or August is a GREAT time to address this. Setting up an appointment during this time of year
- Beats the Winter Season Rush (which usually starts in September)
- Still allows time to fix anything that requires repair (before the Thanksgiving/Christmas events)
Side Note about Chimney Inspections:
Any chimney associated with the gas logs will also need an annual inspection per National Fire Protection Association Standard. Usually a CSIA CERTIFIED Chimney Sweep/ NFI Certified Gas Technician can help you “kill two birds with one stone”, so to speak.
Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps|Bless Your Hearth technicians are CSIA/NFI certified and qualified to help with check-ups and repairs. Call (864-682-5422) or email ( today to set up your pre-season appointment.