What to Expect When Inspecting Chimneys
A fireplace and a chimney go perfectly together and are best suited during the cold months. It is where you can share warm hugs, kisses and sing Christmas carols together with your loved ones. But along with this wonderful thing comes the risk of having your house damaged or burned to the ground. It is important to have it inspected regularly to avoid accidents that could ruin your holiday cheer.
Safety in Your Home
Safety must always come first in every home. Some families take for granted things that can potentially harm their house, or even worse, their lives. They just go about their businesses and do nothing to prevent untoward accidents from occurring. That should not be the case. Every homeowner should ensure the safety of their household and all the people living in it. Study shows how chimney damages can be deadly. It causes fires that form carbon-monoxide intrusions that can affect your family’s health and stability. Not to mention the damage it can bring to your home. You’ll be loaded with bills to pay.
According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, 24,500 residential fires that happened in 2005 was caused by chimney fires that resulted in a death toll of 20 and over one hundred million worth of property loss. Because of this devastating news, the Chimney Safety Institute of America requires certified professionals to maintain the balance and infrastructure of the chimney. This being said, it takes experts on that field to work on the matter. When inspections are done, people inside the home are required to vacate the area until they are finished with the survey.
Levels of Chimney Inspection
There are three levels for Chimney Inspections. It is inspected based on the degree of damage, the repairs needed, the soot or dirt buildup, and other factors that alter the normal function of the chimney.
Level 1 Inspection – Visual
During this inspection, assuming there are no prior incidents or chimney problems, professionals only check the readily accessible portions of the chimney’s interior and exterior areas. The basic check-up of the flue and it’s lining. It also surveys on simple appliance connectors and installers. The chimney experts make sure that it is free of impediments and checks the combustible materials and volumes of the chimney. Only the most basic tools are used for this operation and that there is no need to expose any interiors of the house.
Level II Inspection – Video
This inspection is needed when there are changes in the heating systems. It may be due to the relining of your flue, some added or changed appliances, or if you experienced utter chimney malfunction. If you also experienced natural calamities or fires that triggered the chimney to stop functioning or even when you just transferred to a new house. When any of these happens, chimney sweeps inspects the parts that are affected. During this inspection, a video camera is needed to check on the internal joints of the flue.
Level III Inspection
Expect that if this type of inspection is required, there are incurring problems during the Level I and Level II inspections. The damage might be bigger than expected so there is now a need for more observation and immediate action. Special tools are now needed for this operation to access what the eyes cannot see and it could be suggested to remove some parts of the chimney that are affected or damaged.
The most vital aspects of maintaining the fireplace and the chimney need wise decisions and long term commitment to ensure safety in your house. The Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps can provide excellent service on preserving the wellness of your chimney. Their chimney sweep services are just one of many remarkable services they provide. They have been providing the best service for 30 years now and there is nothing that can stop them from providing excellent service to your home.