That’s another REALLY good question! There’s a couple of really good reasons.
Supply and Demand: The demand for services during the Winter season usually exceeds the supply of qualified technicians to perform the needed services. Kinda like trying to get your air conditioner fixed in July. The second? Quality: Premium companies usually have the longer wait lists. Word gets around.


Regular users (weekly fires throughout the Winter season):

Why is it SO HARD to get an appointment BEFORE Thanksgiving (and now Christmas) - Spartanburg SC - Bless Your HearthGet your service done IN THE SPRING right after the burning season is complete. You may have a short wait, even then, if you choose to book with a company that has a good reputation and has been around long enough to have a solid repeat clientele base. However, it’s a cinch that getting it done at the END of the burning season will have you ready to go when you want to use it the NEXT winter – no waiting.

Holiday (Thanksgiving/Christmas) users:

Call to make your appointment NO LATER THAN Labor Day. The longer you wait to call for an appointment, the longer you will wait for an appointment. It’s a fact of life. With the premium companies, their procrastinator clients (the ones who don’t remember to get it done in the Spring) start calling in AUGUST because they know the drill. Truth is: by October you likely can’t get a definite appointment until close to Christmas – if you’re lucky.

Home Sales/Houses under Contract:

This is a hard one. There’s ALWAYS a limited window for the inspections to take place. The best thing to do is call AS SOON AS THE CONTRACT IS SIGNED and get on the waiting list and be as flexible as possible. Most professional companies will work hard to take advantage of any schedule changes that will allow them to get you worked in as quickly as possible — if you give them enough lead time. I know we do. It helps tremendously if we can have 2 to 3 weeks lead time during the Winter season. Spring and Summer are much easier to accommodate short notice.
• Note to Buyers: It’s important to get this done if your purchase is contingent on having a working fireplace. This is especially important if there has EVER been a wood stove vented though a fireplace or into a masonry chimney. Reference: regarding Level 2 Inspections.

• Note to Sellers: Be as flexible as possible in providing access. While it might be scary, not knowing what will show up, professional companies know the difference between normal wear and tear and actual damage or construction defects that can impact usability.

Worst Case Scenario:

Pick the company you prefer to work with based on quality, training and experience. Take their first available appointment. Professional companies will work hard to get you moved sooner when they have pop-up openings due to schedule shifts. They are usually worth the wait.

Blue Sky Chimney Sweeps|Bless Your Hearth is proud to be one of those premium professional companies. Call our friendly office staff (864-682-5422) or email ( to set an appointment for your annual chimney service.